Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Choose a Major

Now assuming you have done all of the pre-college prep work i.e. Registering, studying and taking your SAT. Then you are ready for the next steps. But if not check out SAT Preparation Center, Register to take SAT, Find Test Date and Test Centers near you. And then continue on in your journey. Also remeber that you will need when you apply to college to send your test scores to the college that you have choose. But I will discuss that more later.

In today's economy and with a President fighting to educate a nation it is the best time to take you, your cousin, sister, brother and who ever else to your nearest College Admissions Offices and Apply. So many programs are opening up, there are a plethora of grants out there waiting to be used. You just have to know the legitimate ways of finding them and securing them. Because there is nothing worse then being at a lower income level having t get a "loan" which takes you more time to pay off then it took to actually get a degree.

For many you have no idea where to start on your journey to an education. Weather you are a new grad or someone that has been thrown out into the world after working 20 years with the same employer. There are things you need to know and I hope to help you out. I am no know it all I simply have researched and gone through the process.

One of the places one should start is simply by asking yourself what interests you. What do you want to spend the rest of your life doing. Choosing a major should in my opinion be the first step. Having a clue on what path you want to take is the best thing you can do for yourself. And it cuts out researching schools you would like to attend that have no course work in your area of study. And if you have no clue then ask yourself a few important questions.
  • What type of career can you see yourself in?
  • What type of work do you enjoy?
  • What are your interests?
  • Which subjects did you enjoy studying the most in high school?
  • What type of skills do you have?
  • Do you have any hobbies that you would like to pursue as a career?
  • What did you learn about what you like and dislike from your past work experience?
  • Are there in-demand career fields in the geographic areas where you would like to live following graduation?
Yes, I know you actually have to take a hard loo at yourself. But really its well worth the time of taking your time. You can go undecided for a short while but be real with yourself. If you are receiving financial aid grants and all that jazz its best to know where you are going and how you are going to get there.

You can also take a Career Assessment type test online. I found two resources that would be helpful to anyone looking to find out what they may be interested in. The Princeton Review Career Quiz is a 24 question quiz which asks you questions about yourself, your answers will be analyzed. You will be given details about your interests and work style and then, after you register for FREE, a list of careers will be displayed that are "matches" for you. Also, the Myers-Briggs Test is an informal personality test to find out what your Myers-Briggs personality type is. From there go on to find out what careers may be most suitable for you based on this information. The formal version of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator can only be administered by a qualified professional and is much more comprehensive. This one is quite good though and definitely worth your time.

Choose a School

After getting all that info together. Which yes, is a bit overwhelming. You can move on and research schools. And that is where all the fun begins. Because you have to decide weather you want to go in state, out of state, online, Full time or Part time. And also you have to decide weather you want to attend a two year College or a University. Decisions, Decisions.

No worries, I am here to give you my two cents and attempt to make things a little easier. One Place you can take a look is on College Board which is a site that gives you resources for choosing a college which is a big decision. As stated very eloquently on there site the key is to remember that there's no such thing as a "perfect" school. Explore your interests and take the time to find the college that's right for you. Which in my minds eye is a great mind set to have while searching for a college. Also, Colleges.com is a great resource to check into they offer a lot of info and a number of programs and is a "one stop shop" for the college experience. It also has some helpful tips on course study and all that jazz.

Where is the Money for College going to come from?

You have taken the SAT (if required), you've chosen a major and a school you want to attend. How are you going to pay for college. Well the first step is I think should be going to Free Applications for Federal Student Aid FAFSA. Many people make the mistake of going to sites that promise money for college and then charge you a fee for doing what FAFSA does for free. I am not knocking sites that assist in finding scholarships and are helpful there are many but I just warn to be careful when looking for Financial Aid, there are always scam artists out there.

A few other resources that I have herd of and some I have not actually looked into with a fine tooth comb. I feel may also be helpful in finding Scholarships and Financial Aid.

Apply for a Scholarship
-This site is one of the leading scholarship search sites, it helps people find valuable scholarship money to pay for college or an advanced degree. Recommended by more than 18,000 guidance counselors and financial aid officers.

College Fund Reward Program- this site is a one-stop college service provider that helps families earn, save and pay for higher education. Families can automatically save money for college while making everyday purchases at grocery and drug stores, gas stations, restaurants, retail stores and online shopping sites. Partners include Citi, ExxonMobil Corporation, McDonald’s, JCPenney.com, LandsEnd.com, Sears.com, and hundreds of others.

Making the decision to go to college is not easy. So much goes into it all. As I continue on my journey I will add more posts and information that I feel maybe helpful. I hope I have helped a little on starting your journey. Good luck and feel free to comment and ask questions.


Tonya R.

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